Disc Cleanup

Humans are not robots. We are not designed to go non-stop 24/7. Even machines cannot do this. They have to be shut-down periodically for updates, they overheat, parts wear out, and they freeze up. If machines do this, why on earth would society think humans will not?

Beautiful You

Because in a world that relies so much on social media and snapshots of lives, it is important to see past the filters and the captions. Social media is but a glimpse into a person's life, one that hides much. Look into the eyes to see the soul. Is there a light there that is being shared with the world, or hidden tears?

Flowers Growing Through Cracks in the Sidewalk

You wake up, go to a job you may or may not hate, and spend the rest of your waking hours ticking off boxes on a to-do list. Sounds great….not!