A Different Kind of Meditation

Meditation may not always be sitting with your eyes closed and listening to your breath. It's emptying your mind, releasing the stress and burdens of life for a short time so you can feel balanced and whole again.

Disc Cleanup

Humans are not robots. We are not designed to go non-stop 24/7. Even machines cannot do this. They have to be shut-down periodically for updates, they overheat, parts wear out, and they freeze up. If machines do this, why on earth would society think humans will not?

Beautiful You

Because in a world that relies so much on social media and snapshots of lives, it is important to see past the filters and the captions. Social media is but a glimpse into a person's life, one that hides much. Look into the eyes to see the soul. Is there a light there that is being shared with the world, or hidden tears?

Flowers Growing Through Cracks in the Sidewalk

You wake up, go to a job you may or may not hate, and spend the rest of your waking hours ticking off boxes on a to-do list. Sounds great….not!